Search Results for bullying

An Eid-al-Fitr Letter from Jacob Bender, CAIR-Philly Executive Director

As the first non-Muslim, and American Jew, to head one of CAIR’s 33 chapters across the country, my hiring was, of course, an experiment. Yet, as I came to know many of you, and as you came to know me, I was quickly welcomed with open arms by the diverse Muslim communities all across the Greater Delaware Valley region. I now turn to you in a moment of need, in a time of turmoil, to ask for your help in supporting the wonderful organization that I am privileged to lead, and which means so much to the Muslim communities of my new city. Day in and day, month in and out, CAIR provides invaluable services to thousands of Muslims and others all across the region...

Only 4 days left…

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, CAIR- Philadelphia's Education and Outreach Director conducted dozens of diversity trainings on Islam, Muslims and religious accommodations, including for the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunities Commission), the Federal Executive Board, and the Please Touch Museum. He worked with Muslim youth in empowerment programs such as MYLP and Muslim Civic Activism Fellowship projects.

6 Days Left…

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
Timothy N. Welbeck, Esq., CAIR- Philadelphia's Civil Rights Attorney, responded to more than 150 incidents of hate speech, workplace harassment, and bullying of school-age Muslim children in 2018. He is on pace to field the same amount, if not more, prospective clients in 2019.

Help Defend the Muslim Community

Ramadan Mubarak
On the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the CAIR-Philadelphia Staff, Executive Committee and Advisory Board wish you and your families Ramadan Mubarak, Ramadan Kareem, a Happy and Blessed Ramadan. During this sacred month, please consider making a donation to CAIR-Philadelphia. We are a nonprofit organization and all contributions to CAIR are tax-deductible and zakat-eligible.

Happy New Year from CAIR-Philadelphia

For many Muslims in America, myself included, 2018 was a difficult year, as we witnessed the growth off verbal and physical attacks on American Muslims and other minorities; all, no doubt, encouraged by the open and coded racist discourse emanating from the highest government officials in the land and spread maliciously throughout the internet and broadcast and print media.

CAIR-Philadelphia End-of-Year Newsletter

The year 2018 is drawing to a close, with the past several months being particularly difficult ones for those of us committed to a pluralistic, peaceful, and just vision of America.

From Civil Conflict to Civil Rights: My Year on the Legal Battlefront

As we have remarked before, the United States continues to witness a spike in Islamophobia, which has become exacerbated by the brazen bigotry and xenophobia of the present presidential administration. While various outlets like Newsweek and The Washington Post each have reported on this heinous rise in hate targeting Muslims, I can personally attest to this increase firsthand based on the numerous complaints I routinely field as the Muslim community suffers from the anguish and anxiety caused by the implications of increased harassment and discrimination.

We Are Energized!

As Jacob Bender, CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director, emphasized in his recent “Director’s Desk” article “On Losing a Battle,” despite the waves of sad and angering events in our country, we are keeping our spirits up by channeling our energies to serve and empower the American Muslim community in these difficult times.