CAIR-Philadelphia proactively works to ensure fair representation of the broadest diversity of American Muslim communities in the Greater Delaware Valley across print, web-based, and audio-visual media. In press releases, letters-to-the-editor, op-ed articles, interviews on TV and the radio, and building relationships with journalists, we shape the conversation on critical issues facing our nation and counter all anti-Muslim bias.
Media Relations and Press Releases
Our staff works in conjunction with local and national media to ensure an accurate portrayal of Islam and Muslims is presented to the American public. CAIR monitors local, national and international media in part, to challenge negative stereotypes, but also to applaud and encourage positive representations of Islam and Muslims. Over the years, CAIR has become a respected and credible source for journalists and other media professionals. We regularly issue Press Releases to local and national media to publicize our events and the American Muslim perspective on current events. Visit our Media Newsroom »

Action Alerts and Email Newsletter
In an effort to empower the American Muslim community, we issue Action Alerts as a means of generating a grassroots response to critical political, social, and media-related issues to make a significant impact in bringing about change.
CAIR-Philadelphia also offers an email list designed to be a source of information and news for the American Muslim community other materials dealing with American Muslim positions on issues of importance. Subscribe to CAIR-Philadelphia’s Email Newsletter »