Category News

Our work to protect American Muslims in 2025 starts now!

Can we count on you to help us continue to build Muslim power?

Youth are the future of this Ummah. What will you do for them?

Muslims’ civil rights are on the line. Will you join the fight?

What will you do for our community?

So Long… But Not Farewell: A Letter Upon My Retirement from CAIR-Philadelphia

Building an Anti-Racist Future: A Report from our Muslim Youth Leadership Summit

Celebrating a Historical Step in Delaware: The Inaugural Muslim Capitol Day

Our community is the best! We are grateful for your support!

Ramadan and Fasting 2024: Information for Educators & Employers

A Statement from CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Dr. Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu: Committed to Our Justice Work

CAIR-Philadelphia Stands Tall Against Disingenuous, Islamophobic Attacks Targeting Its Banquet

Students & Parents: Join our School Survey

2023 End of Year Letter