
Volunteers holding signs for justice and against Muslim ban

What You Should Know About Trump’s Latest Immigration Ban

Last night, the Trump administration issued a Proclamation expanding immigration restrictions in a broad attempt to further its xenophobic agenda while distracting Americans from its own failure to adequately respond to the coronavirus pandemic. This Proclamation builds on a number of anti-immigrant policies put forward by the administration in the last several years by closing off almost all legal pathways to immigration.
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Trump’s Latest Immigration Ban
Earth and Coronavirus graphic

CAIR-Philadelphia would like to thank…

CAIR-Philadelphia would like to thank all the healthcare workers, first responders, postal workers, janitors, store clerks and all others who are on the front lines at this precarious time serving their fellow human beings. May Allah reward them and keep them safe. “And if anyone saved a single life, it would be as if they had saved the whole world.” [5:32]
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The American Muslim Community and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please join us for a live webinar panel with health professionals this Thursday, April 2 from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm. The webinar grew out of community demand and positive feedback to similar programs hosted by area institutions. CAIR-Philadelphia will, in the very near future, bringing additional healthcare professionals before the American Muslim community, helping to empower the community at this critical time.
Read MoreThe American Muslim Community and the COVID-19 Pandemic
CAIR Philadelphia, the Muslim Community, and COVID-19: Responding to a Pandemic

CAIR-Philadelphia, the Muslim Community, and COVID-19: Responding to a Pandemic

Islam teaches us that each human being is precious, and that to destroy, or lose, a single life is akin to losing an entire universe. In COVID-19, humankind is now faced with an unimaginable crisis, a global pandemic that threatens the fabric of life as we know it. Throughout this emergency, and as long as we physically are able, the staff and communal leaders of CAIR-Philadelphia will continue to provide you with relevant information, both on the pandemic in general, but also specifically on the state of the American Muslim community in Philadelphia and its environs.
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia, the Muslim Community, and COVID-19: Responding to a Pandemic