Search Results for Palestine

In Memory of Dr. Anis Al-Qasem

At the age of 95, Dr. Anis Al-Qasem returned to God in Alicante, Spain, surrounded by his wife Amal and their children. The Palestinian community around the world and its political, legal, and social leaders and institutions mourned his death, as did much of the Arab media.

A Conversation with Rashid Khalidi

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Video Below: About his new book: The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine Rashid Khalidi is a Palestinian-American historian of the Middle East, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, and director of the Middle East Institute…

The Tragic and Troubled Road to a Jewish-Muslim Rapprochement

Charleston SC, Pittsburgh PA, Christchurch NZ, and now Poway CA; the roll-call list grows and grows as once again we recoil in horror and anger at the carnage. We should not, however, allow our grief to blind us from the fact that all these crimes were all committed against Jews and Muslims and African Americans by young white men committed to a racist ideology that believes that these three groups pose an existential threat to “White Christian America.”

Merry Christmas from CAIR-Philadelphia

CAIR-Philadelphia wishes all of our Christian friends a joyous Christmas and a New Year of peace and justice -- from Pakistan, to Palestine, to Pennsylvania. Lo! The angels said "O Mary! Behold, God sends thee the glad tiding, through a word from Him, [of a son] who will become known as the Christ Jesus, son of Mary..." Holy Qur'an, 3:45

Fanatics and Freedom

It has been one of the foundational principles of democratic nations that the law exists as a guarantor of liberty. From the Magna Carta to the American Declaration of Independence, from the French Declaration of Rights of Man to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the march of history can be seen as the expansion of freedom to ever greater numbers of the Earth’s inhabitants.

After Gaza

I spent Monday glued to the BBC, Reuters, Aljazeera, and Haaretz broadcasts from Gaza. By Tuesday morning we knew that 58 Palestinian demonstrators had been killed by Israeli troops, while a staggering 2,700 had been wounded, including one infant who died from tear gas inhalation.

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Israeli Massacre of Palestinian Civilians Protesting Embassy Move to Jerusalem

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
The Philadelphia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Philadelphia) today condemned the Israeli massacre of dozens of Palestinian civilians protesting both the unilateral move of the US embassy to Jerusalem and the 70th anniversary of “The Nakba,” the expulsion by Israel of hundreds of thousands of Arabs out of Palestine during the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli war.