CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Responding Positively to Negative Stereotypes – MYLP Workshop Activity

I’ve conducted youth workshops over the course of a few months and parents always seem to ask about topics and discussions. Inquisitive parents sometimes listen to what’s being presented and have their own questions. CAIR-Philadelphia’s model is that youth workshops must educate, empower, and inspire. We’ve prepared the best hands-on, interactive activities for MYLP students. Participants receive practical information that they can use daily, and most importantly, they get their voices heard. We teach young American Muslims that what they contribute is equally as valuable as any other religious group.

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CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Inside Islam Film Screening & Interfaith Dialogue

CAIR-Philadelphia along with the Interfaith Walk for Peace and Reconciliation sponsored a screening and interfaith dialogue of the documentary film, Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think last week. About 45 people of different faiths came together to have a real conversation on Islamophobia, American Muslims and the war on terror. Inside Islam debunks common stereotypes of Islam and Muslims based on hard facts. Research experts featured in the film discuss controversial issues highlighted by a world-wide Muslim public opinion poll conducted by the Gallup organization. Muslims in more than 35 Muslim majority countries and American Muslims reveal personal thoughts on terrorism, democracy and women’s rights.

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