Search Results for boston

Response to Boston bombings

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Dear Supporters and Friends, Tragic events of the Boston bombings have left many Americans in a state of confusion, wondering about possible motives of the two perpetrators. Since Monday, CAIR-Philadelphia has been monitoring the ongoing investigation. We have reached out…

Q&A: CAIR Philadelphia on Media’s Response to Boston

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
Philadelphia Weekly On Fox News, “liberal” commentator Bob Beckel suggested Muslim students should now be barred from coming to the United States. Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade seems to believe the U.S. should implant “listening devices” in mosques around the country and Bill O’Reilly shouted down the head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad, who noted the two brothers were not representative of all of Islam. With that in mind, Philadelphia Weekly caught up with Rugiatu Conteh, Outreach and Communications Director at Council on American-Islamic Relations Philadelphia, for her take on the matter.

Muslims caution against stereotyping after Boston Marathon bombings

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage "I think that a lot of stereotypes are that Muslims are violent or terrorists or criminals," said Rugiatu Conteh, the communications and outreach director for the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. When a suspect in a crime or act of terrorism is Muslim, she said, "I think for a lot of people, it kind confirms those stereotypes."

Travel Guidance Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to reconsider travel abroad at this time due to the global impact of COVID-19, and has issued a “Global Level 4 Health Advisory – Do Not Travel.” For those not in the U.S., the Department of States advises that they “consider returning to your country of residence immediately using whatever commercial means are available.”

Happy New Year from CAIR-Philadelphia

For many Muslims in America, myself included, 2018 was a difficult year, as we witnessed the growth off verbal and physical attacks on American Muslims and other minorities; all, no doubt, encouraged by the open and coded racist discourse emanating from the highest government officials in the land and spread maliciously throughout the internet and broadcast and print media.

Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, PhD

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Executive Director, CAIR-Philadelphia Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu is the Executive Director at CAIR-Philadelphia. Ahmet joined CAIR- Philadelphia in 2017 and previously served as the Education and Outreach Director. Ahmet is a Turkish-American academic and organizer. He directs CAIR-Philadelphia’s Civic Engagement and school…