Response to Boston bombings

Dear Supporters and Friends,

Tragic events of the Boston bombings have left many Americans in a state of confusion, wondering about possible motives of the two perpetrators. Since Monday, CAIR-Philadelphia has been monitoring the ongoing investigation. We have reached out to the public via local media to ensure that a rational, well-informed voice is represented. Many right-wing media outlets have taken the opportunity to vilify Muslims; however, CAIR-Philadelphia’s goal is to bring forward a national conversation that leads to results, not to react to individuals and groups whose sole purpose is to profit from demonizing others.

It is a priority during this unsettling time to reaffirm our commitment to peace, justice and unity. We invite you to join us this Sunday for the 10th Anniversary of Philadelphia’s Interfaith Peace Walk. The Walk is a grassroots movement involving individuals, activists, faith-based organizations and faith congregations that aim to increase dialogue and understanding across traditional divisions of religion, culture and race. The Peace Walk is an opportunity for interfaith and cross-cultural dialogue, and it is not intended to be a protest or a demonstration.
We will keep you updated on information surrounding the investigation, and look forward to seeing you this weekend.


CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Committee and Staff

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