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Welcome Dr. Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu

CAIR-Philadelphia is pleased to welcome Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu as our new Outreach and Education Director. Ahmet Selim is an academic and a scholar of American religious landscapes. He brings to us several years of on-the-ground work with Muslim American communities.

Director’s Desk: Sacred Synchronicity

This past Wednesday marked the beginning of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar. The first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah are a time imbued with great holiness. The rituals of the hajj are performed during the eighth, ninth, and tenth day of the month, culminating in Eid al-Adha, the “Festival of the Sacrifice,” which begins on the tenth day.

Muslim Group’s New Philly Leader: Award-Winning Filmmaker, Interfaith Activist, and Yes, a Jew

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
aslanmedia Talk to Jacob Bender for five minutes and you’ll get a sense that if bridges can be built between Muslims and other faith groups, he’s certainly the guy for the job. In October, the award-winning documentary filmmaker and interfaith activist was tapped to head the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). His appointment to the Muslim advocacy group, which protects civil liberties of Muslim Americans and aims to increase public understanding of Islam, might have passed under the radar had his own religious faith — Judaism — not become the focus of his new gig.

Jacob Bender Is First Jew To Lead Chapter of Muslim Advocacy Group CAIR

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Jewish Daily Forward Jacob Bender is set to be the voice of Philadelphia-area Muslims, to take on discrimination they encounter in workplace and in the public sphere, and to fight expressions of hate. And his Jewish faith, Bender believes, can only help him do the job effectively. "The Muslim community is under attack from Islamophobic forces, and it is the obligation and responsibility of people of good will to stand up and say this is a bigoted attack," Bender said. "This is fully in keeping with my life goals."

An important message from CAIR-Philadelphia President. Please read.

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

As-salaamu alaykum and Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family CAIR Philadelphia IS your most effective Muslim-American civil rights organization that defends our community from mosque oppositions and vandalism, hate crimes and discrimination against our businesses, bullying of our children…

When terrorism is falsely linked by race or religion, we all become the victims

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
Delaware County Daily Times A week after the cruel attack on the Boston Marathon, our nation is still trying to answer that piece of the — who, what, and why — puzzle. Despite our lack of information as to the “why,” we do know some facts as to “what” happened. We know that when the suspects placed their bombs amongst the crowd of joyous spectators, they did not check for the race or religion of their potential victims. Instead, they coldly sought a body count.

Brothers’ religion again raises ‘double standard’

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
The Philadelphia Inquirer Rugiatu Conteh, outreach director for the Philadelphia office of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said Friday her office had not received any calls from community members or mosques reporting harassment since the Tsarnaevs' faith was made public. "But we generally don't get that in our area," she said. "People are generally tolerant in Philadelphia."

Concerns Over Potential Backlash Against Local Muslims

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage
NBC10 Philadelphia Even before the full background of bombing suspects Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, and his now deceased 26-year-old brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev have been fully reported, rumors have been swirling about their connection to Islam. A notion that is concerning to Rugiatu Conteh of the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). “We do tell people to be extra vigilant and to ensure that they have their eyes out and are aware of the situation,” she said. “Thankfully, we haven’t heard of any sort of incidents coming in the Muslim community in the Pennsylvania area.”

Ramadan Mubarak

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Read President Obama’s Ramadan Message — Dear Friends, As Salaam Alaikum (Peace be unto you) CAIR Philadelphia wishes you and your family a very blessed and prosperous Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr. Thanks to supporters like you, we are proud of the…