
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

CAIR Action Alert: Muslims Urged to Meet with Members of Congress During August Recess

CAIR is urging American Muslims to take advantage of the upcoming August recess -- during which members of Congress return home to spend time with their constituents -- by requesting meetings to advocate on state and national issues of importance, including: dismantling President Trump's "Muslim Ban" executive order; opposing limits on campus free speech and boycotts; protecting immigrant communities by supporting Dreamers, TPS holders and opposing new restrictions; and, recognizing the accomplishments of U.S. Muslims.
Read MoreCAIR Action Alert: Muslims Urged to Meet with Members of Congress During August Recess
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Data show cases of anti-Muslim bullying in schools on the rise

Officials at CAIR-Philadelphia said these acts represent a pattern of anti-Muslim bullying in schools that has been on the rise since 2014. Since August, the organization has received more than a dozen complaints of anti-Muslim bullying targeted at 15 to 20 students in 13 schools and colleges in the region, said Timothy Welbeck, the civil rights attorney for CAIR-Philadelphia. By comparison, there was one complaint of bullying for 2014, two for 2015, and nine for 2016.
Read MoreData show cases of anti-Muslim bullying in schools on the rise
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

CAIR-Philadelphia Questions SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh’s Record on Civil Rights and Presidential Powers, Demands He Recuse Himself from Cases Involving Trump Personally if Confirmed

The Philadelphia Chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Philadelphia) demands a comprehensive inquiry into Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s record on civil rights, religious freedom, the rights of immigrants, and the limitations on presidential powers prior to his confirmation.
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia Questions SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh’s Record on Civil Rights and Presidential Powers, Demands He Recuse Himself from Cases Involving Trump Personally if Confirmed

What You Need to Know About “Muslim Ban 3.0”

On June 26, 2018 the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision in support of Trump’s bigoted Muslim Ban. This is bad but we will keep fighting. It’s more important than ever to know your rights despite this decision. Since December 4, 2017, the Muslim Ban has been in full effect for certain individuals from: Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. All are facing difficulty in their applications for visas to be united with family, study in the U.S., get medical treatment, or visit for tourism.
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About “Muslim Ban 3.0”