
The Verdict

CAIR-Philadelphia Statement on Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict

CAIR-Philadelphia welcomes the conviction of Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd. In a statement, CAIR-Philadelphia Civil Rights Attorney Timothy Welbeck said, "A guilty verdict, while satisfying in that it brings a measure of justice to Derek Chauvin's heinous actions, it still is an incomplete measure. It will never bring back George Floyd, and it is just the first step in addressing unchecked police violence against people of color."
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia Statement on Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

CAIR-Philadelphia Welcomes Remarks from Congresswoman Susan Wild Celebrating the End of Muslim and African Bans

Shortly before we started observing Black History Month, we celebrated the Biden administration's repeal of the Muslim and African bans. As we noted, CAIR, alongside its partners and leaders from impacted communities worked diligently against the Trump administration's efforts to take America's immigration system back to an ugly past. We are recognizing everyone today and including a video message from Congresswoman Susan Wild who lent us her voice in support and worked to repeal the bans.
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia Welcomes Remarks from Congresswoman Susan Wild Celebrating the End of Muslim and African Bans

CAIR Welcomes President Biden’s Day-One Termination of Muslim and African Bans, Other Executive Orders

In a statement CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Jacob Bender said: “We commend President Biden for immediately moving to repeal the Muslim and African Bans, which is an important first step toward undoing the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant policies of the previous administration. It is an important fulfilment of a campaign pledge to the Muslim community and its allies. We expect the Biden administration to go further by supporting passage of the No Ban Act and addressing systemic injustices within the federal government that led to religious and racial profiling of Muslims and immigrants under multiple administrations.
Read MoreCAIR Welcomes President Biden’s Day-One Termination of Muslim and African Bans, Other Executive Orders
Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Engaging with their Faith through Social Media – Perspectives of a Young Muslim

As social media becomes a more integral part of our lives in terms of communication and expression, Muslim teens and young adults have turned to online spaces to engage with religious content. Social media for young Muslims is not a facetious interaction but bred from the alienation that many young Muslims feel in the U.S.
Read MoreEngaging with their Faith through Social Media – Perspectives of a Young Muslim