
COVID-19 Vaccine Survey

COVID-19 Vaccine Survey for Asian Pacific Americans in Pennsylvania

The COVID-19 Vaccine Survey is conducted to find out how the vaccinations are going among Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) in Pennsylvania. Your participation will help stakeholders in healthcare and public service as well as government agencies to improve health equity by increasing understanding of vaccine progress and barriers in Asian Pacific American communities. The survey will also help us combat COVID-19 in the long run.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Vaccine Survey for Asian Pacific Americans in Pennsylvania
2021 – End of Year Letter graphic

2021 End-of-Year Letter

In 2021, our office continued to identify new ways we could continue our ongoing fight against Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia, and bigotry in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to build relationships with local elected officials and like-minded organizations to work on real change.
Read More2021 End-of-Year Letter
Taliyah Holmes speaks to the press on December 22, 2021.

CAIR-Philadelphia to Represent Black Muslim 6th Grader Allegedly Humiliated by Teacher, Calls on District to ‘Acknowledge Harm and Take Responsibility’

CAIR-Philadelphia today called on Darby Township School at Southeast Delco School District to acknowledge alleged harm, fully investigate and rectify any missteps that led to a 6th grade Black Muslim student at Darby Township School reportedly to be humiliated and forced to kneel by his homeroom/math teacher. 
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia to Represent Black Muslim 6th Grader Allegedly Humiliated by Teacher, Calls on District to ‘Acknowledge Harm and Take Responsibility’
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CAIR-Philadelphia Signs Joint Statement in Response to Recent Anti-Asian Violence

In the wake of the November 2021 attacks on eight Asian American youths by four Black youths on a SEPTA train, we, the undersigned, urge the Philadelphia community and our leaders to challenge the longstanding inadequacies of the traditional juvenile justice system and seize this opportunity to integrate transformative justice for a comprehensive resolution and healing for our communities. 
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia Signs Joint Statement in Response to Recent Anti-Asian Violence
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CAIR-Philadelphia Statement on Students Attacked on SEPTA Train

CAIR-Philadelphia voices its support for the Asian students attacked on a SEPTA train by other students -- including one who was visibly Muslim. In conversations with its AAPI partners, CAIR-Philadelphia emphasized: "Regardless of the background of the incident, the students who used physical and discursive violence against others are in the wrong. CAIR-Philadelphia stands unequivocally against violence, irrespective of the faith or ethnicity of the victim or perpetrator."
Read MoreCAIR-Philadelphia Statement on Students Attacked on SEPTA Train