
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Jacob Bender Interview on El Zol 1340 WHAT-AM (audio)

CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Jacob Bender was interviewed on El Zol 1340 WHAT-AM. He discussed CAIR, world events, and his documentary film, Out of Cordoba. Listen to the show below: Director Jacob Bender on WHAT (El Zol), August 30, 2014 Because of the interest in CAIR and the Muslim community, Jacob will be interviewed again this coming Saturday morning, Sept. 6 at 8:00 am, on Radio El-Zol, WHAT-AM 1340. Listen and call in with a question or comment!
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CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Guided by History, a Jew Tries to Unite Two Faiths Divided by War in Gaza

The New York TimesShortly after the latest cease-fire expired in Gaza on Friday, Jacob Bender gingerly climbed the steps of the mimbar, the pulpit at the Islamic Society of Delaware here. A Jew in a mosque, his hands palpably quivering but his reedy voice steady, he read some brief comments to close the afternoon’s worship service, called Juma’a. Mr. Bender offered both hope and censure, twinned: Muslims and Jews could still be “partners for peace and justice,” he said. Israel and Hamas bore shared responsibility for the current carnage, he added, and more hatred would lead to more violence, while love would lead to reconciliation.
Read MoreGuided by History, a Jew Tries to Unite Two Faiths Divided by War in Gaza
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

What is the Council on American-Islamic Relations?

Bucks Co. Courier-Times The Council on American-Islamic Relations is the “most pre-eminent and largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization in the country,” according to the Philadelphia chapter’s executive director, Jacob Bender. It began 20 years ago and now has 30 chapters across the country, about half of which have attorneys on staff. The Philadelphia chapter started in 1994. The council has a two-pronged mission, as Bender described it: One, legal protection of civil rights; and two, advocating for and educating the public about the Muslim community.
Read MoreWhat is the Council on American-Islamic Relations?
CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Jewish advocate uses interfaith work to fight Muslim stereotypes

Bucks Co. Courier-Times Although it might seem unusual for a Jew to lead a Muslim organization, it was a natural next step for Jacob Bender. In October, he became executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Philadelphia chapter — and the first non-Muslim to head up any of the 30 chapters. The organization focuses on civil rights protection for Muslims and counteracting negative stereotypes about Islam through education and advocacy. Continue reading (subscription required) ...
Read MoreJewish advocate uses interfaith work to fight Muslim stereotypes