Primary Election Resources and Our Principles


The Islamic legal maxim dar’ al-mafasid wa jalb al-masalih – درء المفاسد & جلب المصالح guides our civic engagement work. While CAIR-Philadelphia cannot express opinions supporting or rejecting specific candidates, we hope everyone voting today will foreground this maxim. Visit our Civic Engagement page, for a detailed account and resources you will need today for voting.

Polls are open 7am-8pm.

Fard-kifaya (societal obligation) includes working to first eradicate the harms in a society and then establish good broadly. Scholars captured the essence of the above verse in the legal maxim dar’ al-mafasid wa jalb al-masalih.

They took pains to order the process of societal obligation as dar’ al-mafasid (removal of harms) and then jalb al-masalih (accrual of benefits) because good cannot accrue until harms are removed that prevent the emergence and sound establishment of good.

Good cannot accrue until harms are removed that prevent the emergence of good. Benefits cannot be realized and sustained until primary harms are eradicated.

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