Category Press Releases

Muslim Community Condemns Anti-Semitism

CAIR Expresses Solidarity with Jewish Community After Deadly San Diego Synagogue Attack

CAIR Condemns Attacks on Christian Worshippers and Others in Sri Lanka

CAIR-Philadelphia Congratulates State Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell; Calls for the State House to Censure Rep. Stephanie Borowicz for her Divisive Opening Prayer

CAIR Condemns Terror Attack on New Zealand Mosques, Urges Stepped-Up Security by Muslim Communities in U.S., Worldwide

CAIR-Pennsylvania Applauds Church’s Decision to Cancel Event Featuring Anti-Muslim Hate Group Leader Brigitte Gabriel

CAIR-Pennsylvania Calls for Resignation of Local School Board Official Over Anti-Muslim Posts

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns CNN for Firing Dr. Marc Lamont Hill; Calls for his Re-instatement

CAIR-Philadelphia to Hold Press Conference in Response to Massacre at Pittsburgh Synagogue

CAIR-PA Denounces Shootings at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania Muslim Organizations to Hold Voter Registration Drive

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns KKK Leaflet Campaign in Pennsylvania and Maryland

CAIR-Philadelphia Questions SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh’s Record on Civil Rights and Presidential Powers, Demands He Recuse Himself from Cases Involving Trump Personally if Confirmed

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Israeli Massacre of Palestinian Civilians Protesting Embassy Move to Jerusalem