Category Press Releases

CAIR-PA participates in Glenside Interfaith Dialogue

CAIR-PA presents ‘Understanding Your Neighbor’s Faith: Islam’

CAIR-PA Joins Mural Art Program at Community Paint Day

CAIR-PA applauds FBI efforts to thwart Fort Dix attack

‘Building Bridges to Islam’ program a hit at Foundation for Islamic Education

Conestoga High-School Students visit Upper Darby Mosque

Muslims Offer Condolences to Families of VA Tech Victims

CAIR-PA Thanks Synagogue for Offer of Prayer Space

Governor Rendell Speaks at CAIR-PA Dinner

CAIR Announces $10K Video Contest to Promote Mutual Understanding

CAIR Seeking Photos of Muslim Life

CAIR-PA Forms ‘Run for Understanding’ Team for NJ Marathon

CAIR-PA to Spot-Check Treatment of Returning Hajj Pilgrims

CAIR Condemns Iranian Holocaust Denial Conference