Response to SCOTUS Ruling on “Muslim Travel Ban”

The Supreme Court of the United States finally announced its ruling in the long-awaited decision in the case of “Trump v Hawaii,” better known as the “Muslim Travel Ban” case. By a narrow vote of 5-4, the Court in essence supported the bigoted efforts of the Trump administration to view Muslims as a separate class of persons before the law, thus turning back the clock of history to other such nefarious Supreme Court decisions as the Fugitive Slave Law (1850), the Dred Scott case (1857), the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), and the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. CAIR and its many supporters believe the Supreme Court decision in “Trump v Hawaii” is both legally and ethically wrong.

Immediately after the court’s announcement upholding the travel ban, the CAIR-Philadelphia office went into overdrive to organize an interfaith press conference to condemn the decision.

Five TV crews and an assortment of radio and print reporters showed up in the afternoon to cover the press conference. Speakers included (below, L-R): Rabbi Alissa Wise of Jewish Voice for Peace; Thomas Earle of Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations; Imam Kenneth Nuriddin of Philadelphia Masjid; Golnaz Fakhimi of ACLU-PA; Rev. Gregory Holston of Power; Jonah Eaton of Nationalities Service Center; Catherine Miller Wilson of HIAS-PA; Timothy N. Welbeck, Esq., CAIR-Philadelphia Civil Rights Attorney; and Jacob Bender, CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director (not pictured).

Photos of press conference

Media coverage of press conference

Supreme Court Ruling: What You Need to Know


ACTION ITEM: This Saturday, June 30th, join with thousands of your neighbors to protest the Trump administration’s racist and reactionary policies at the End Family Detention rally.

  • The Phialdelphia Muslim community contingent will be meeting at 11:00 am in the front courtyard of the Friends Center at 1501 Cherry Street. (Easily accessible by SEPTA and parking is available in the lot on 15th Street)
  • At 11:15 am, we will walk as a group to the rally site a few blocks way.
  • Please bring signs and banners.
  • Facebook Event Page
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