CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Neo-Nazi March in Harrisburg

(PHILADELPHIA, PA 8/26/2024) – The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Philadelphia) today condemned a neo-Nazi rally that took place in Harrisburg, the state capitol, on Saturday, August 24. 

“While we respect even bigoted racist groups’ right to freedom of non-violent protest, all people of conscience should be clear-eyed in the face of the hatred and division that they seek to implant in our communities,” said CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Ahmet Tekelioglu. “We cannot turn a blind eye to how minority communities, including American Muslims, have been attacked by members of the neo-Nazi and other white-supremacist groups in Pennsylvania. Our staff members in Harrisburg will continue to support multi-faith, multi-race efforts to organize our communities around shared values and a clear stance against all forms of hate.” 

He said CAIR and the American Muslim community stand in solidarity with all those challenging antisemitism, systemic anti-Black racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, white supremacy, and all other forms of bigotry.    

CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: Ahmet Tekelioglu, CAIR- Philadelphia Executive Director, 617-401-5397,

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