Category Press Releases

CAIR-Philadelphia Monitoring “Punish a Muslim Day” Activity

CAIR-Philadelphia, Public Officials, Activists to Call on Athletic Association to Drop Hijab Waiver Rule

No Muslim Ban!

CAIR-Philadelphia Horrified by Trump’s Anti-Muslim Tweets

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Deadly Vehicle Attack in Manhattan

CAIR-Philly’s Salima Suswell Appointed to PA Commission for Women

CAIR-Philadelphia Asks School District to Allow Sikh Athlete to Compete Wearing Religious Head Covering

CAIR-Philadelphia Applauds Justice Department Agreement with Bensalem Township

CAIR-Philadelphia Issues Travel Alert To Pennsylvania Muslims After Supreme Court Reinstates Parts of President Trump’s Muslim Ban

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Murders of Muslims in Virginia and England

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Murders in Manchester and Portland

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Desecration of Jewish Cemetery

Press Conference in Response to Executive Orders

CAIR-Philadelphia to Offer Testimony at City Council Hearing