Read our 2024 annual report & support our work today!

Dear friends,

Late last year, as I was working on our annual report, I was amazed at how much we were able to accomplish for our Pennsylvania and Delaware communities. This was made possible thanks to:

  1. God’s mercy that allowed us to serve our communities,
  2. Your generous support, and
  3. The dedicated work of our staff members.

READ: CAIR-Philadelphia Annual Report

2024 CAIR-Philadelphia Annual Report

When we launched our Annual Report during our banquet, community members reflected on the fact that our legal intakes continued to jump significantly in 2024. Others noted how much our advocacy team was able to accomplish, and yet others noted the success of our youth programs.

Today, on these blessed nights of Ramadan, we are reaching out to you to request your zakat and sadaqa donations for our work.

$100 supports two youth leaders for MYLS.

$200 provides one hour of legal assistance.

$500 funds one “Know your Rights” workshop.

Give an amount of your choosing to provide general support for our work!

As always, please let us know your feedback. You can always write to me at

Requesting your duas for our selfless team at CAIR-Philadelphia,


Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, PhD, CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director
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