CAIR-Philadelphia applauds its Civic Engagement Team and Volunteers for their efforts to inform Muslim American voters and get-out-the-vote work!
CAIR-Philadelphia’s non-partisan civic engagement team included 40 volunteers from across the state who, since September 2022:
Made 120,487 phone calls, sent 69,306 text messages, and knocked on 450 doors to encourage mail voting, to inform voters about their polling stations, and to ensure voters have access to their voting rights.
Through the electoral process, we partnered with MPower Change, AAPI PA Power Caucus, POWER Interfaith and MSA East to implement phone calls and voter education programs.
Our team stood against misinformation campaigns and also provided media with remarks in The New York Times, Al-Jazeera, Voice of America
CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Dr. Ahmet Tekelioglu said, “I am proud of the work that our team accomplished this election season. We work toward principled activism and ensure our community can be engaged at every level of the political process. I want to congratulate our volunteer team and particularly, Hatice Zeynep Emanet who coordinated our voter registration and door knocking programs, and Tanzeela Rafe and Sana’i Parker who coordinated our phone and text outreach program. We are encouraged by our young, dynamic team.”
CAIR-Philadelphia also welcomes a nationwide increase in the number of Muslim American elected officials and congratulates Tarik Khan for his election to Pennsylvania State House’s 194th District, increasing Muslim members of State Legislature to three alongside Sen. Sharif Street and Rep. Jason Dawkins, and also congratulates Madinah Wilson-Anton for her re-election to Delaware’s 26th House District.
See a nationwide report prepared by CAIR and Jetpac Resource Center
Below are photos from our work: