Search Results for Palestine

Director’s Desk: Thoughts about Juneteenth

Slavery made this nation rich. At its height, slavery was a $3 billion-plus industry and a major engine of the U.S. economy. Industries throughout the states both supported, and were supported by, slavery. By 1850, 80% of American exports were the product of slave labor. The estimated value of enslaved people increased 500% between 1790 and 1860, from $200 million to around $3.059 billion.

An Open Letter to the University of Delaware

Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash
At CAIR-Philadelphia, we are committed to our mission of promoting justice and mutual understanding! To that end, we are sharing this letter from Students for Justice in Palestine (SPJ) - UD with our communities. We applaud all students and community advocates for speaking up against inconsistent policies and for selective engagement with students who advocate for Palestine.

New York Times Letter to the Editor by Jacob Bender

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

To the Editor: Re “Younger Jews in U.S. Facing an ‘Identity Crisis’” (front page, May 20): I am not one of these younger Jews. I am an older American Jew for whom the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the abiding issue…

Conversations with Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

An Ongoing Series on Everything American Muslim and Politics CAIR-Philadelphia and the Muslim Student Association at University of Delaware are pleased to invite everyone to our first quarterly meeting with Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton, an inspiring young activist who became the…

In Memory of Dr. Anis Al-Qasem

At the age of 95, Dr. Anis Al-Qasem returned to God in Alicante, Spain, surrounded by his wife Amal and their children. The Palestinian community around the world and its political, legal, and social leaders and institutions mourned his death, as did much of the Arab media.

A Conversation with Rashid Khalidi

CAIR-Philadelphia Collage

Video Below: About his new book: The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine Rashid Khalidi is a Palestinian-American historian of the Middle East, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, and director of the Middle East Institute…

The Tragic and Troubled Road to a Jewish-Muslim Rapprochement

Charleston SC, Pittsburgh PA, Christchurch NZ, and now Poway CA; the roll-call list grows and grows as once again we recoil in horror and anger at the carnage. We should not, however, allow our grief to blind us from the fact that all these crimes were all committed against Jews and Muslims and African Americans by young white men committed to a racist ideology that believes that these three groups pose an existential threat to “White Christian America.”