Interfaith Outreach

CAIR-Philadelphia strives to educate people of other faiths about Islam, organizing numerous interfaith programs that build mutual respect and understanding between different religious communities. Through these programs, as well as through our outreach efforts, we strive to strengthen our collective capacity to advance peace and social justice.

2022 Iftar-Seder

2021 Virtual Interfaith Iftar

“Being different is part of the Divine wisdom in His creation; through our interfaith work we can strive to celebrate our commonalities and bridge our differences.”

– CAIR-Philadelphia Interfaith Committee Co-Chair Nevan Hamid

“True peace and understanding will only come when we all – Muslims, Christians, Jews, and people of other faiths and philosophies – cast off the prejudices and preconceptions of the past to engage each other based on what we have in common, not on what has separated us for so long.”

– National Executive Director Nihad Awad, An Open Letter to President Obama and the Muslim World, 5/29/2009

“An obligation to participate with people of different faiths in bringing peace and justice to the world is at the heart of Islam.”

– Former CAIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Jacob Bender

“If God had so willed, He would have made you one community, but He wanted to test you through that which He has given you, so race to do good.”
(Quran 5:48)