Know Your Rights as a Student

As the school year is approaching it is important that everyone is aware of their rights as a student, educator, parent, and community member. CAIR-Philadelphia is always here to work with you for matters including inequality and discrimination within your school/workplace. Here are a few helpful resources CAIR-Philadelphia has to prepare you for the upcoming year:

Know Your Rights as a Muslim Student in School
Know Your Rights as a Muslim Student in School

As a student, you have the right:

  • To inform others about your religion.
  • To pass out literature or speak to others about Islam, as long as it is not done in a disruptive manner.
  • To wear religious clothing.
  • To wear modest clothing and clothes with a religious message, as long as other clothes with messages are allowed.
  • To organize student-led prayer on campus, as long as the service is not disruptive.
  • To request a religious accommodation to attend Friday prayer.
    • The Supreme Court has upheld the right of states to allow students “release time” to attend religious services. It’s best to coordinate this as schools want to ensure all students excused are going to a prayer and coming back safely. Write to Asiyah Jones to talk more on this.
    • Download Prayer Accommodation Letter Template
  • To be excused from school for religious holidays. You should inform the school that you will be absent.
  • To form an extracurricular Muslim student group.
  • To be free from bullying and a hostile environment.
  • To be excused from certain lesson plans, special educational programs, or other school activities that contradict your sincerely held religious beliefs.

If you are a victim of anti-Muslim bullying or name-calling, DO NOT respond with jokes or threats. If you experience bullying, have your parents file a complaint with school officials immediately so that a record is established, then contact CAIR-Philadelphia at and set up a meeting with school officials.

More Resources:

If you would like CAIR Philadelphia’s assistance in hosting trainings (i.e., sensitivity training, anti- bullying trainings, etc.), advocating to implement changes (i.e., prayer space accommodations, Eid/Ramadan awareness and education, curriculum changes, etc.), and/or hosting a listening session with Muslim students at your school, please reach out Asiyah Jones at