Category Press Releases

CAIR-PA Hosts Sixth-Graders’ Visit to Mosque

CAIR-PA announces support for Officer Webb’s appeal for religious accommodation

CAIR-PA Gives Workshop on Islam at Retirement Community

CAIR-PA condemns Bhutto Assassination

CAIR-PA holds workshop on “Religious Holidays in Islam” at Springton Middle School in Media, PA

CAIR-PA holds workshop on “Jesus in the Qur’an” at Pottstown Presbyterian Church

CAIR-PA holds town-hall meeting on “US Foreign Policy and Iran” at Eastern University

CAIR-PA Presents ‘Introduction to Islam and Islamophobia’ at Synagogue

CAIR-NJ and CAIR-PA conduct presentation on Islam for the NAACP-NJ

CAIR-PA hosts Conestoga High School Students at the Foundation for Islamic Education

CAIR-PA hosts National ‘Islamophobia Tour’ Event

CAIR-PA supports hate crime victim’s search for justice

CAIR-PA Harrisburg and local Muslim community sponsor meals at local shelters

CAIR-PA and ISGVF hold Sharing Ramadan dinner