Category Press Releases

Muslim Leaders, Interfaith Allies, Elected Officials in Harrisburg to Condemn Islamophobia in Presidential Campaign

Philadelphia Interfaith Press Conference to Address Poverty in the U.S.

CAIR to Urge Dems to Focus on Civil Rights, Refugees, Policing Reforms at Philadelphia Convention

Philadelphia Interfaith Press Conference to Condemn Mass Murder

CAIR-Philly Welcomes Inclusion of Eid Holidays in Public School Calendar

CAIR-Philadelphia Wins Major Case for Prisoners’ Religious Rights

CAIR-Philadelphia Calls for Resignations of Anti-Muslim School Board Director, Other Directors Who Voted for Her

“Thank you, Mr. Obama”

CAIR-Philadelphia Welcomes Investigation of Pig’s Head Thrown at Mosque

CAIR Condemns Paris Terror Attacks

Press Release: PA Muslims to Rally in Harrisburg on Oct 20

CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns Bigoted Anti-Muslim Ads on SEPTA Buses, Urges SEPTA to Donate Money from Ads to City’s Homeless Population

CAIR-Philadelphia supports free speech ruling on SEPTA ads, but condemns their Islamophobic content

U.S. Muslims Condemn Paris Terror Attack, Defend Free Speech