2022 General Elections in Pennsylvania are on Tuesday, November 8, 2022
- Polls are open on election day from 7 A.M. – 8 P.M.
- Last day to register to vote: October 24, 2022
- Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot: November 1, 2022
- Visit PAVoterInfo.com for information in multiple languages (عربي | বাংলা | 中国人 | Ayisyen | Bahasa Indonesia | ខ្មែរ | 한국어 | नेपाली | Português | Español | اردو | Tiếng Việt)

Register in a few minutes at pa.cair.com/vote
Who is ineligible to vote?
- People who are in prison because of a felony conviction and who won’t be released before the election.
- People who have been convicted of violating Pennsylvania election laws within the past four years.
- People who are not citizens of the United States of America (green card holders, student visa holders, etc.)
- People under the age of 18 on the day of the election.
I am not sure if I am registered to vote, or at which address?
No problem. You can check your status at PA Voter Services.
How can I learn who are the people running in my area? Who should I vote for?
CAIR-Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse/support candidates or any political party. In the coming weeks we hope to share digital tools that list candidates and their platforms.
Can I cast my ballot early or via mail?
Yes. Pennsylvania allows voting via mail. You need to visit pavoterservices.pa.gov and note you would like to cast your vote via mail- you do not a reason to utilize this option. Absentee voting is also possible if you will be away or you are ill. Visit the link above for both options.
I am not sure how best to complete the mail-in-ballot. Can you help?
Applying for a mail-in-ballot is very easy. Apply online, receive your ballot, complete it and return immediately. Start at vote.pa.gov
Thanks to our partners at All Voting is Local we now can also present a multilingual VBM application form in Arabic, French, Chinese, Vietnamese, Bengali, Urdu, Haitian/Creole, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian, and Hindi.
And a comprehensive walk-through guide to applying and voting by mail are currently available in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Spanish.
Can I vote in person?
Yes. Learn more about your polling station at PA Voter Services.
If I need help, where can I turn?
Report discrimination or problems during voting: pa.cair.com/report
For further questions, email: atekelioglu@cair.com
Call these nonpartisan hotlines for help:
📞 866-OUR-VOTE
English hotline
📞 888-VE-Y-VOTA
Spanish hotline
📞 888-API-VOTE
Asian & Pacific languages hotline
📞 844-YALLA-US
Arabic language hotline