Take survey about Muslim Women’s Workplace Experiences

Muslim women are encouraged to take this survey about discrimination in the workplace.

An excerpt from the overview:

"… we would like you to answer questions about yourself including your age, gender, racial/ethnic background, citizenship status, level of education, marital status, about where you currently live, about your religious activities, about your religious attitudes and practices, and about wearing the hijab. We will also ask you questions about your workplace including questions about your satisfaction with your pay and the work you do, your opportunities for promotion, your treatment in the workplace, your stress at work, and the people that you work with. These questions will require approximately 15-20 minutes of your time."

ACTION: Visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=247022396574 to learn more or to take the survey.

For further information or to contact the primary investigator:

Dr. Saba R. Ali
N361 Lindquist Center, The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-5495

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