Civil Rights Pillar Lead, CAIR-Philadelphia Advisory Board
Humna Rub is a second-year junior undergraduate student majoring in International Studies and minoring in Law and Public Policy. As a senior in high school Humna was accepted in an accelerated 3+3 program at her university allowing her to complete her undergraduate and law school degree in six years. As an International Studies major with a concentration in Africa and the Middle East, she has applied what she has learned to her activist work in her community. By analyzing different systems and governments, she has been able to see the problems present in her community and is actively playing a role on fixing it.
At her local mosque, Humna has played a strong role as a youth leader and is focused on college education for first generation students. As a first-generation college student, Humna found herself navigating around the world of applying for colleges and financial aid. She now has created a new mentoring program where an upperclassman will be paired with a high school student creating a mentorship where the student can receive help on the process of applying to college and financial aid.
Humna was first inspired to get involved in politics and activism in her early teens, and since then she has played a large role in her hometown. Humna was also president of Girl Up, a United Nations organization, which advocates for women’s rights and lobbies for support from local politicians. Humna has organized political marches in her hometown concerning the civil rights of the Muslim and Jewish community, volunteered for political campaigns, and worked as a fellow for the Philadelphia chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations.
During Fall 2019, Humna spent her semester abroad in London interning in with a Member of Parliament in Westminster where she was immersed into British politics. Working for Member of Parliament Dawn Butler, she was able to work heavily for the Labour party and with other Members of Parliament such as Jeremy Corbyn. With the unexpected general election call, Humna worked a Dawn Butler’s reelection campaign resulting in her win. Humna is going to school in hopes of becoming an international lawyer and one day work in the United Nations.
In her free time, Humna enjoys hiking with her family, running and spending time with friends.