CAIR-Philadelphia Calls Firing of Muhlenberg College Prof Finkelstein for Pro-Palestine Remarks an ‘Attack on Academic Freedom’

(PHILADELPHIA, PA, 9/26/2024) – The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Philadelphia) today condemned the firing of Maura Finkelstein, a respected tenured professor at Muhlenberg College, after she shared a post by Palestinian poet Remi Kanazi on her personal Instagram critical of the genocide being committed by Israel against Palestinians.

The Intercept reported that Finkelstein’s termination followed sharing a post on her personal Instagram and is being labeled as “the first case” in which a tenured professor has been fired for speech relating to the genocide in Gaza. Finkelstein was known for her commitment to advocating for justice and equity, which included speaking out against the violence and oppression inflicted on the Palestinian people and teaching a course on Palestine at Muhlenberg College.

A campaign spanning several months was launched against Finkelstein by outside individuals and organizations demanding Muhlenberg College fire her, including sending thousands of bot-generated emails to school administrators, news outlets, and politicians.

In a statement, CAIR-Philadelphia Legal Director Adam Alaa Attia said:

“Maura Finkelstein’s firing is a direct attack on academic freedom and sets a dangerous precedent where educators and students are silenced for standing against human rights abuses. Her dismissal for condemning the genocide in Gaza reflects a broader pattern of retaliation against those who speak out for Palestinian rights. Across K-12 and college campuses in Pennsylvania and nationwide, both students and teachers are facing severe consequences for expressing dissenting views on Israel’s actions, signaling a disturbing erosion of free speech in our educational institutions. We call on the community to demand accountability and stand in support of Finkelstein and others who have been silenced for their principled stances in support of Palestinian human rights.”

We encourage individuals who are being silenced or facing discipline in school and employment settings to contact CAIR-Philadelphia for legal assistance by completing our intake form or by calling our office at 267-515-6710. 

CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: Adam Alaa Attia, Legal Director CAIR-Philadelphia,; Ahmet Tekelioglu, Executive Director CAIR-Philadelphia,; 617-401-5397 

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