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CAIR Releases ‘Know Your Rights’ Guides in Dari, Pashto for Afghan Refugees
KYR: Guides in Dari, Pashto for Afghan Refugees The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, released ‘Know Your Rights’ guides in Dari and Pashto for Afghan refugees arriving in the United States following attempts by xenophobic politicians to incite bigotry and discrimination against them.

Muslim Community Safety Kit
Muslim Community Safety Kit Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety (pdf) At times of international crisis, the number of anti-Muslim incidents nationwide tends to go up. CAIR Pennsylvania is asking that American Muslim community leaders read and implement safety measures outlined below: Dear Imam, activist, community leader, brother or

Know your rights if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) agents contact you. AT HOME: DON’T OPEN the door. It’s safer to talk to ICE agents through a closed door. ASK if they have a warrant signed by a judge. Without one they CANNOT enter your home. An administrative warrant of removal

YOUR RIGHTS IF THE FBI CONTACTS YOU WHAT IF THE FBI COMES TO MY DOOR? Your right to be politically active and to hold different beliefs/views is protected by the Constitution. If you are visited by the FBI, remember: 1) You do not have to talk to the FBI. You have no

KYR: Hate Crimes
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: RESPONDING TO HATE CRIMES A hate crime is an incident directed against a person or property that is motivated in whole or in part by the victim’s race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, and in some cases, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Such an

KYR: Law Enforcement
YOUR RIGHTS WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT Your rights when you encounter law enforcement You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer any questions from law enforcement (local, state, or federal). Refusing to answer questions cannot be held against you and does not imply that you have something to

KYR: Traveling
YOUR RIGHTS TRAVELING TSA screeners CANNOT Target you for additional screening or questions based on religious, racial or ethnic profiling. Ask you general questions without reliable information that leads them to believe you are breaking a law. For example, they cannot question you about your personal life, where you spend

KYR: Workplace
Add Your Heading Text Here KNOW YOUR RIGHTS IN THE WORKPLACE Both State and Federal law make it illegal for an employer to discriminate against an employee on the basis of religion, race, or national origin. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act guarantees your right to: 1. Reasonable
Resources and Links
- Hate -Free Philanthropy (2020 pdf)
- Hijacked by Hate (2019 pdf)
- Under the Radar: Muslims Deported, Detained, and Denied on Unsubstantiated Terrorism Allegations” (2016 pdf)
- Targeted and Entrapped: Manufacturing the “Homegrown Threat” in the United States (2016 pdf)
- Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America
- Same Hate, New Target: Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States
- CAIR National Annual Reports